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Spain is waiting for you; what changes can you expect?

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If you’re ready for a holiday but still a little apprehensive about how it will be in the new world here’s some insight and information that will put your mind at ease.

So the ‘new normal’ goes something like this….

Getting Here
Most airlines are making masks mandatory and you must wear one as soon as you exit the plane (unless excused due to evidenced medical/personal reasons). You may also have your temperature taken. You may be asked to provide more information at the airport of your specific destination to help with tracing.

Wearing Masks– where and when? NB This only applies to persons over 6 years old and those who aren’t exempt for evidenced medical/personal reasons. There is 100 Euro fine for not wearing a mask and it is strictly enforced here.

– All public transport, including taxis

– Any public space (including but not unlimited to…hotels, shops, tourist attractions, sports facilities). There has been a significant and welcomed increase in the cleaning of streets, communal pool areas, parks and public spaces. This rule is regardless of whether a 1.5m distance can be maintained.

– Supermarkets (and other shops) – they also provide and ask that you use hand sanitizer and sometimes gloves.


Restaurants are business as usual but with extra space between the tables. Everything is thoroughly cleaned in-between services and it is mandatory for all servers/staff to wear masks to ensure their customers safety. They’ve also made menus accessible on line and disposable condiments are being used.  Obviously you don’t have to wear a mask if you’re eating/drinking but you will be expected to use one when heading to the toilets or when walking around the restaurant.

Beaches and Pools

Beaches are patrolled to ensure suitable distancing and no over crowding, which is again a welcomed change. Some beaches have marked out designated spaces in the sand for sun-beds to ensure you have your own area. Like all other public spaces, hand sanitizer is available, much more cleaning (showers and handrails) and there is a controlled use of the space. All of which make for a lovely, relaxing and peaceful experience.

Holiday Rentals- Extra measures.

We already are using the latest technology to ensure 100% peace of mind in all our rentals but some additional measure are in place with regards to the time between each booking and the materials within the rentals to ensure they are fully sanitised and ready for new guests.

So hopefully we’ve put your mind at rest, sensible measure to ensure you have a great holiday!

If you have any specific questions not answered here, please get in touch, as we’d be really happy to help and we look forward to seeing you soon.

The Fairy Dust Team

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